
Foxcroft team takes third in the high school division.


Designed for middle and high school students, the competition saw 118 girls from 14 schools throughout Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC, using their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and math to take on issues like ocean acidification, microplastics pollution, ocean farming, 他们还参加了围绕今年“海洋911”主题的挑战.
获奖的神奇海牛队来自马里兰州波托马克的布利斯学校., Jalin J., Anna R., and Amiyah T., claimed the high school trophy, 由Foxcroft STEM学生使用创新实验室的工具设计和制作. The Manatees also won one of the five individual challenges.

高中赛区的第二名是漂亮的独角鲸队(Diane N., Shapari O., Lily R., and Minna X.),以及威尼斯彩票游戏的《威尼斯彩票游戏》(大四学生克莱尔., Catherine J., Xinyi S., and Selina X.) took third. 威尼斯彩票游戏的团队和马德拉团队也分别赢得了五项个人挑战中的一项, 另外一支来自马德拉的队伍和一支来自布利斯的队伍分别赢得了一次挑战.

In the middle school division, the Smashing Squids (Emma E., Charlotte G., Gwenyth M., and Faith P.来自弗吉尼亚州汉密尔顿和谐中学(Harmony Middle School)的她将中学冠军奖杯拿回家. Second place went to the Dashing Dolphins (Sarah B., Stella K., Norah M., and Sophie S.),以及来自弗吉尼亚州珀塞尔维尔蓝岭中学(Blue Ridge Middle School)的时髦海马(Fiona D., Jiya K., Tanvi N., and Abeni S.) from Mercer Middle School in Aldie, VA, took home third. 前三名队伍还分别赢得了五项个人挑战中的一项, 来自华盛顿圣公会的一个团队和来自美世的另一个团队也分别赢得了一次挑战.

Throughout the course of the day, 威尼斯彩票游戏的体育/学生中心和学校的科学实验室充满了活力和热情, in teams of four, took on five different challenges. 

In the Biology Lab, 研究小组分析了当地高中海洋生物学学生从海滩收集的各种塑料颗粒," in an attempt to determine why Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola) were being seen less often off the coast of California. 学生们测量并计算了塑料的密度和浮力, 确定哪些类型的海洋捕食者可能会将这些塑料颗粒误认为食物, 然后评估哪些粒子可能导致了海洋太阳鱼失踪的谜团,以及这种威严鱼类的消失可能会影响其他海洋生物.

In the Chemistry Lab, 学生们通过调查贝类死亡的原因,努力恢复加拉帕戈斯群岛生态系统的和谐. During the challenge, 学生们通过按pH值顺序排列物品和测量几种常见家用溶液的pH值来测试他们对pH值刻度的了解. 他们还在两个小型实验中调查了海洋酸化的原因和影响. 

Back in the Athletic/Student Center at the “Sea Slinger” event, students used popsicle sticks, rubber bands, 用小杯子做弹射器,把纳米机器人胶囊(乒乓球)发射到大太平洋垃圾带(一个儿童游泳池)。. 学生越靠近水池中心,他们得到的分数就越多. 比赛的计分环节是三分钟的混乱,多支队伍在时间耗尽之前发射球并调整弹射器. In the coding event, 学生们学习使用一种叫做“海豚鳍”的工具将二进制代码转换为字母,并从字母转换为二进制代码."

Each year, 赛事赞助商Stryker公司带来了他们的几位女性工程师,不仅管理其中一个挑战,而且在职业小组中分享她们的经验并回答年轻竞争者的问题. Stryker团队今年的工程挑战涉及单位换算的数学,以计算出从海洋中清除多少塑料, calculating the carbonate needed to help marine animals. 

Between challenges, 学生们使用Foxcroft提供的Kindle fire来回答有关海洋保护的问题,并获得奖券,奖品从礼品卡到科技设备不等. 中学比赛的参与者还参观了校园,并在学校校长Cathy McGehee的指导下了解了威尼斯彩票游戏对“STEM女孩”的关注.

A leader in STEM education for girls, 威尼斯彩票游戏提供创新的课程,解决未来劳动力面临的挑战,并提供相关和刺激的学习经验. A signature program at the school, the STEM initiative emphasizes inquiry-based labs, using technology with confidence and ease, and hands-on problem-solving that extends well beyond the classroom. 一年一度的STEM挑战赛展示了威尼斯彩票游戏对STEM领域的创新关注. 
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 威尼斯彩票游戏为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative STEM program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.